Innovation in Education

  • Contract duration is of one year or more unless determined by the parities under this contract.
  • If client wishes to terminate the contract then he/she has to give prior written notice of three months to CAMPUS COVER.
  • CAMPUS COVER reserves the rights to terminate the contract with or without cause by serving 30days written notice to the client.
  • In case of any dispute and/or claims arising out of the contract shall settled by arbitration in accordance with the provisions of Arbitration and concillation Act, 1996 or any statutory amendment thereof. The arbitrator shall be appointed by the authorised representative/ director of CAMPUS COVER .The proceeding shall be conducted in English and held at Delhi. The award shall be final and binding. The court of Delhi shall have the exclusive jurisdiction
  • Client has given his consent to contact him for any business promotion of CAMPUS COVER during the tenure of this agreement or even after the expiry of tenure.